Interactive map of Historic U.S. Route 66 in the United States

Route 66 Interactive Map of Cities, Attractions and Points of Interest

Shown below is an interactive Google map of over 200 popular cities, attractions and points of interest along Historic Route 66.

Is this all of them? Certainly not, as there are literally thousands of places to see along the Mother Road! Hopefully this map will help you plan your next Route 66 road trip.

Zoom / pan map for more detail, and click on icons for information on points of interest and photos.

Click on this icon Icon to list Route 66 attractions below to see a list of attractions and features in other map layers. 

You can enable/disable the following layers by checking/unchecking the layer in the left column of the map...

Icon to list Route 66 attractions
Route 66 cities and towns

Attractions and points of interest


Classic motels and lodging

Classic service stations

Classic drive-ins, cafes and restaurants


View maps of each of the 8 Route 66 states
Route 66 maps of all eight states